
Thank you to our generous sponsors for making this event possible.

Zellic hires top CTF talent and applies them to the world's most critical security problems. We specialize in securing blockchain companies and smart contract protocols. Zellic is led by Stephen Tong and Jasraj Bedi who previously founded perfect blue, the #1 CTF team in 2020 and 2021.

We consistently discover hidden vulnerabilities and develop novel security research. In 2022, 55% of our audits found high or critical impact vulnerabilities. This has earned us the reputation as the go-to security firm for teams aiming to work with the best.

As part of our comprehensive compensation package, we offer competitive salaries and benefits. You're a good fit for Zellic if you have extensive real-world experience in vulnerability research (VR) / binary exploitation, reverse engineering (RE), cryptography, or web application security.

To learn more about Zellic, check out our blog: https://www.zellic.io/blog/the-auditooor-grindset Work at Zellic: jobs@zellic.io | Discord: gf_256 Meet the founders: [Stephen | Twitter: @gf_256 | Discord: gf_256] [Jazzy | Twitter: @ret2jazzy | Discord: jazzyzellic]

Elevate your cybersecurity game with Offensive Security. Discover our expert penetration testing and ethical hacking solutions at offsec.com.

Unlock the power of binary analysis with Binary Ninja by Vector35. Discover more at binary.ninja.

Trail of Bits your security lifeline. We provide top-tier cybersecurity services and cutting-edge tools to protect your digital assets. Learn more at trailofbits.com.

HackerOne unleash the power of ethical hacking. Connect with a global community of ethical hackers to find and fix security vulnerabilities. Join us at hackerone.com.

Infrastructure was provided with the support of Google Cloud Platform. If your team is looking for a infrastructure sponsor, you can check out goo.gle/ctfsponsorship.